
In this case study, we will fit a Two-way ANOVA model, meaning that our dependent variable will be written as a function of two categorical regressor. The objective here will be checking for interaction between the factors, and see how we can interpret the effects in both scenarios, namely, “with interaction” and “with no interaction”. To do this, we will fit the model, check the assumptions, interpret it, and predict new values based on this fitted model.

1 Introduction

For this problem, we will study how the amount of carbon fiber and sand additions affect the hardness of a certain material. You can download the .csv file here.

This data set contains the following variables:

  1. sand (multi-valued discrete)
  2. carbon (multi-valued discrete)
  3. hardness (continuous)

2 Exploring the data set

In order to explore the data set and perform initial analyses, we have to read it (with R) first. Provided that the .csv file is saved within the datasets/ folder, one can read the file in the following way.

col.names <- c('sand', 'carbon', 'hardness')
hardness <- read.csv(file = 'datasets/hardness.csv', header = FALSE, sep = ',', col.names = col.names)
head(hardness, 5)
##   sand carbon hardness
## 1    0      0       61
## 2    0      0       63
## 3   15      0       67
## 4   15      0       69
## 5   30      0       65

Now, let’s see a summary of our data.

##       sand        carbon        hardness    
##  Min.   : 0   Min.   :0.00   Min.   :61.00  
##  1st Qu.: 0   1st Qu.:0.00   1st Qu.:67.50  
##  Median :15   Median :0.25   Median :69.00  
##  Mean   :15   Mean   :0.25   Mean   :69.61  
##  3rd Qu.:30   3rd Qu.:0.50   3rd Qu.:74.00  
##  Max.   :30   Max.   :0.50   Max.   :74.00

As one can see from the above table, the multi-valued discrete attributes are being interpreted as numeric; however, we should set them as factor. For changing them, we can do the following

hardness$sand <- factor(hardness$sand, levels = c(0, 15, 30), labels = c('lowS', 'medS', 'highS'))
hardness$carbon <- factor(hardness$carbon, levels = c(0.00, 0.25, 0.50), labels = c('lowC', 'medC', 'highC'))
##     sand     carbon     hardness    
##  lowS :6   lowC :6   Min.   :61.00  
##  medS :6   medC :6   1st Qu.:67.50  
##  highS:6   highC:6   Median :69.00  
##                      Mean   :69.61  
##                      3rd Qu.:74.00  
##                      Max.   :74.00

Once we have the data, we can do a few plots that might help us understanding our problem. We can start by doing two different boxplots for the two categorical variables.

boxplot(hardness ~ sand, data = hardness)

boxplot(hardness ~ carbon, data = hardness)

From both plots, it seems like there is a difference in one of the treatments (low doses for both sand and carbon) regarding the hardness of the material. However, we should only analyse the two factors separately if we can conclude that there is no interaction between them, meaning that there is no partial effect of one factor over the other. To see this, let’s use the interaction.plot() function to explore the possible interactions between the factors.

interaction.plot(x.factor = hardness$sand, trace.factor = hardness$carbon, response = hardness$hardness)

interaction.plot(x.factor = hardness$carbon, trace.factor = hardness$sand, response = hardness$hardness)

From the both plots above, the interactions (if any) do not seem to be important (since the lines are, more or less, parallel). As an important side note, if there is no interaction, the main effects (if significant) will tell us if there is variation among the levels of the factor in question; however, if modeled with interaction, the main effects may be difficult to be correctly explored and should be avoided. In this case, one may simply consider all pairs of levels as separate treatments.

3 Fitting a model

So let’s start by fitting our complete model.

model <- lm(formula = hardness ~ sand * carbon, data = hardness)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: hardness
##             Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
## sand         2 106.778  53.389  6.5374 0.01764 *
## carbon       2  87.111  43.556  5.3333 0.02967 *
## sand:carbon  4   8.889   2.222  0.2721 0.88870  
## Residuals    9  73.500   8.167                  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

As we can see from the above table (and p-values), we reject the hypothesis “sand have no significant effect on hardness”, we reject the hypothesis “carbon have no significant effect on hardness”, as we fail to reject the hypothesis “sand and carbon interaction have no significant on hardness”. Thus, we can fit the following simplified model

model2 <- lm(formula = hardness ~ sand + carbon, data = hardness)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: hardness
##           Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
## sand       2 106.778  53.389  8.4241 0.004505 **
## carbon     2  87.111  43.556  6.8726 0.009195 **
## Residuals 13  82.389   6.338                    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Now, as before, we can compute the estimated means and effects for sand and carbon from hardness ~ sand + carbon.

modAOV <- aov(formula = hardness ~ sand + carbon, data = hardness)
model.tables(modAOV, 'means')
## Tables of means
## Grand mean
## 69.61111 
##  sand 
## sand
##  lowS  medS highS 
## 66.33 70.33 72.17 
##  carbon 
## carbon
##  lowC  medC highC 
## 66.50 71.17 71.17
# Effects
## Tables of effects
##  sand 
## sand
##   lowS   medS  highS 
## -3.278  0.722  2.556 
##  carbon 
## carbon
##    lowC    medC   highC 
## -3.1111  1.5556  1.5556

Next, let’s do a residual analysis, so that we can make sure that our assumptions hold. We will plot the “Residuals vs. Fitted” and “Normal Q-Q” graphs, and conduct the appropriate tests, namely, ncvTest() (notice it is not the same as leveneTest()) and shapiro.test() (for resid()), for the equal variance and normally distributed residuals assumptions, respectively.

plot(model2, which = c(1, 2))

## Non-constant Variance Score Test 
## Variance formula: ~ fitted.values 
## Chisquare = 0.000267911, Df = 1, p = 0.98694
##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  resid(model2)
## W = 0.96901, p-value = 0.779

As the p-values are large for both tests, the assumptions seem to hold. Also, the plots allow us to conclude the same. Therefore, model2 might correctly model our problem.

Also, as before, we can also do a pairwise analysis.

(modTuk <- TukeyHSD(modAOV))
##   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = hardness ~ sand + carbon, data = hardness)
## $sand
##                diff        lwr      upr     p adj
## medS-lowS  4.000000  0.1622397 7.837760 0.0408237
## highS-lowS 5.833333  1.9955730 9.671094 0.0039170
## highS-medS 1.833333 -2.0044270 5.671094 0.4403222
## $carbon
##                diff        lwr      upr     p adj
## medC-lowC  4.666667  0.8289063 8.504427 0.0174826
## highC-lowC 4.666667  0.8289063 8.504427 0.0174826
## highC-medC 0.000000 -3.8377603 3.837760 1.0000000

4 Predicting unknown values

Finally, the predicted values for each combination of level of sand and carbon can be computed using the predict() function.

(newdata <- data.frame(sand = factor(rep(c('lowS', 'medS', 'highS'), each = 3)), carbon = factor(rep(c('lowC', 'medC', 'highC'), times = 3))))
##    sand carbon
## 1  lowS   lowC
## 2  lowS   medC
## 3  lowS  highC
## 4  medS   lowC
## 5  medS   medC
## 6  medS  highC
## 7 highS   lowC
## 8 highS   medC
## 9 highS  highC
newdata$predict <- predict(model2, newdata = newdata)
##    sand carbon  predict
## 1  lowS   lowC 63.22222
## 2  lowS   medC 67.88889
## 3  lowS  highC 67.88889
## 4  medS   lowC 67.22222
## 5  medS   medC 71.88889
## 6  medS  highC 71.88889
## 7 highS   lowC 69.05556
## 8 highS   medC 73.72222
## 9 highS  highC 73.72222